New York Islanders

View the Site


  • HTML 5, CSS, Javascript, jQuery


  • Convert PSD designs to functional site
  • Make the site fully responsive
  • Make the site in standards compliant HTML 5
  • Add a responsive countdown clock
  • Create photo galleries, video galleries and press sections

The Project

Create a microsite to celebrate the arrival of Brooklyn's newest sports franchise - the New York Islanders. The microsite would provide information about the team's history as well as the current up-and-comers through various media - photo galleries, videos and audio clips. Also, provide a means for users to purchase season tickets for the start of the 2015-16 season.

Aggressive Deadline

With the Islanders, as the time of this writing, being such a good team, I was given a very aggressive deadline to create this entire experience. Going off of PSDs provided by a third-party I created this entire microsite from scratch and provided all of the testing and updating. On top of all of that, the site is fully responsive!

The Result

A live prototype was ready in one week and a feature-complete version was produced in 2 weeks time. Once we received content and final assets, it was simply a matter updating everything and the site was ready to go. The deadline was met with time to spare.

Project Features

Fully Responsive

One of the main project requirements for the Islanders microsite was that it had to be responsive. Regardless of what kind of screen you are on, you will get the full experience of the site. There's even a responsive countdown clock and video section where the video will shrink to your screen width.

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